How is Pinehappy different from store bought crackers?
Each cracker is hand-assembled by learners with intellectual disabilities from the Nesbitt Centre and the Pivot Centre.
We are focused on social causes:
we support a variety of causes including: intellectual disabilities, women who have survived and are recovering from human trafficking, long-term mental illness
visit our Products page for more ino​
fillings do not contain plastic and are sourced from social enterprises or are re-usable
cracker shells can be upcycled into thank you cards
crackers and conversation cards are printed on recycled paper
our crackers contain conversation cards (instead of jokes) to encourage deeper connection at the dinner table
we don't use disposable packaging to package our crackers (which instead come in zippered tote bags)
How do I use the conversation starter cards?
You can do this in pairs, but we like to encourage people to share their question with the whole table to hear everyone's answer.
This can be a quick exercise, but if you want the conversation to go deeper, some additional questions you can consider:
why is that?
are you surprised by anyone's answers?
what was the first thing that came to mind when you thought of your answer?
did your initial thought form your final answer?
How do I roll my DIY cracker?
Watch the instructional video here!
How do I upcycle my cracker?
Watch the instructional video here!